MANCHESTER 4 noči krompirjeve počitnice + rent'a'car
od 572 €
Manchester, Združeno kraljestvo

MANCHESTER 4 noči krompirjeve počitnice + rent'a'car

Ustvarjeno: četrtek, 10. oktober 2024
Ref ID: 6301491
cena na osebo od
572 €
na podlagi 2 odraslih
Ustvarjeno: četrtek, 10. oktober 2024

O ponudbi

O destinaciji

Manchester s svojimi zanimivimi muzeji, prenavljajočim se mestnim središčem in opazno glasbeno dediščino, je vznemirljivo mesto za obisk. Ima bogato zgodovino in kulturo, seveda pa je tudi dom najbolj priljubljene nogometne ekipe na planetu, Manchester Uniteda. Toda Manchester je predvsem zabavno mesto, ki rado zabava svoje goste. Lokalna gotska katedrala je značilna arhitekturna znamenitost regije. Gotska katedrala v Manchesterju ima zapeljivo notranjost, prepleteno z zapletenimi lesenimi rezbarijami in srednjeveškim pohištvom. V bližini je knjižnica Chetham's in glasbena šola, za katero se verjame, da je najstarejša javna knjižnica na svetu, pa tudi najstarejša stavba v Manchesterju. Bogata z veličastno viktorijansko in edvardijansko arhitekturo, je ogromna neogotska mestna hiša na Albertovem trgu spektakel znotraj in zunaj, z murali zgodovine Manchestra, ki krasijo veličastno slovesno dvorano stavbe. Za ljubitelje umetnosti ima Galerija umetnosti v Manchesterju izjemno zbirko britanske in evropske umetnosti. Nedvomno je nekronana prestolnica severa odličen kraj za nakupovanje, pitje in prehranjevanje. Po bombnem napadu IRA leta 1996 prenovljena četrt Millennium je dom glavnih nakupovalnih templjev v Manchesterju, medtem ko je Corn Exchange zatočišče modnih in stilskih butikov. Nočno življenje je legendarno, saj se mnoge tradicionalne gostilne družijo s sofisticiranimi lounge bari in glasnimi klubi. Torej, čeprav je mesto s preteklostjo, ima Manchester oči uprte v prihodnost.
Prikaži več informacij

Vključene storitve

29 okt.
Prevoz od Benetke do Manchester
Ryanair Ryanair - FR2899 - Upravlja jo: Malta Air
09:15 - Venice, Venezia Tessera (VCE)
10:50 - Manchester, Manchester Airport (MAN)
0 PC 26D 22C direkten let
Prevoz:  FR2899 Upravlja jo:  Malta Air
Razred kabine: Economy
29 okt.
Najem avtomobila
Peugeot 308
ACE Rent A Car
klimatska naprava 5 vrata 5 ljudi
Peugeot 308 ali podobno
Politika ravnanja z gorivom: Vrnitev na isti ravni kot pri prevzemu
Ročni menjalnik
Neomejeno število prevoženih kilometrov
Starost voznika

Najmanjši 21, Največ 75

Politika ravnanja z gorivom
Level to Level: The vehicle should be returned with the same amount of fuel as delivered.
Splošni plačilni pogoji
Prepayment: Full rental price due at time of reservation. At pick-up a valid credit card in main driver's name is required as a guarantee. Prepaid or debit cards, such as Maestro, Visa electron, Visa Premier or Carte Bleue are not accepted.
Upon collection of the car a security deposit will be blocked on the driver’s credit card. This deposit is determined by supplier considering your selected car category. Please be informed that the value of one tank of fuel and possible traffic fines can be additionally blocked on your credit card. It is recommended to present a credit card with chip, pin code and embossed numbers.Estimated deposit amount:: GBP 1000.00
Zaščita pred krajo
with excess up to 1,800 GBP
Odpoved od škode pri trčenju
with excess up to 1,800 GBP

Manchester International Airport - Telefon: +44-161-488-3000

Yew Tree Garage Styal Road

Delovni čas: 09:00 - 17:30

Upon arrival to Manchester Airport (Flight Only), please call 0161 488 3000 once you have collected your luggage to request the on-demand shuttle service. We will advise you on where you are to be collected and transferred to the ACE RENT A CAR office which is 5 minutes away. If you need to contact the location, please email, alternatively you may WhatsApp +44 7572 986619 (No CALLS) On return of your vehicle, please RETURN TO THE OFFICE. The branch will take you back to the airport. Please allow an extra 10 minutes in case of busy periods. Suttle is available 09:00 to 17:00. Customers who travel on train, the nearest train station is HEALD GREAN Station which is only 7 minutes walking distance. Pickup instructions Please Call 0161 488 3000

Manchester International Airport - Telefon +44-161-488-3000

Yew Tree Garage Styal Road

Delovni čas: 09:00 - 17:00

Upon arrival to Manchester Airport (Flight Only), please call 0161 488 3000 once you have collected your luggage to request the on-demand shuttle service. We will advise you on where you are to be collected and transferred to the ACE RENT A CAR office which is 5 minutes away. If you need to contact the location, please email, alternatively you may WhatsApp +44 7572 986619 (No CALLS) On return of your vehicle, please RETURN TO THE OFFICE. The branch will take you back to the airport. Please allow an extra 10 minutes in case of busy periods. Suttle is available 09:00 to 17:00. Customers who travel on train, the nearest train station is HEALD GREAN Station which is only 7 minutes walking distance. Pickup instructions Please Call 0161 488 3000
29 okt.
4 Noči
Holiday Inn Express Manchester East by IHG 8,2 Zelo dobro
Manchester - Na razdalji 6,1 km od središčaNOČITEV Z ZAJTRKOM Debdale Park, Hyde Road, Manchester M18 7LJ 1 Double Accessible
This Holiday Inn Express offers modern rooms, each with a flat-screen TV, just 10 minutes’ drive from Manchester’s bustling centre. There is a lounge and a residents bar. Etihad Stadium is 4 km away. Free WiFi is available throughout. All of the contemporary rooms have Freeview TV, free tea and coffee and a work area. The modern private bathroom facilities feature a power shower and a hairdryer. The Great Room serves a range of hot breakfast items, with pastries, fresh fruit and cereal also offered. The Lobby bar stocks chilled drinks and snacks, and shows sports on a large TV. Bar meals are available in the Great Room in the evening from 18:00 and guests can also enjoy a 3-course meal, including fresh salad, hot pizzas and tasty curries. Junction 24 of the M60 motorway is just a mile away, and Piccadilly and Victoria Stations are within 3 miles. Old Trafford Stadium is a 15-minute drive, and Belle Vue Train Station is just a mile away. Stockport town centre is 10 minutes' drive and the town of Denton is half a mile away. The hotel is approximately a 20 minutes drive from Manchester International Airport.
02 nov.
Prevoz od Manchester do Benetke
Ryanair Ryanair - FR2898 - Upravlja jo: Malta Air
17:45 - Manchester, Manchester Airport (MAN)
21:00 - Venice, Venezia Tessera (VCE)
0 PC 30F 30E direkten let
Prevoz:  FR2898 Upravlja jo:  Malta Air
Razred kabine: Economy
cena na osebo od
572 €
na podlagi 2 odraslih
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