Prijavite se za nastavak
OBROČNO ODPLAČEVANJE: Ponujamo plačilo počitnic tudi do 48 obrokov preko LEANPAY. Tukaj preverite svoj limit:
PREJ REZERVIRATE - CENEJE POTUJETE :) - Cena se spreminja s časom zaradi zasedenosti letal, hotelov in avtomobilov.
Minimalno 18, Najviše 80
Cars will be supplied with a full tank of fuel and should be returned full. Otherwise the client will be charged for missing fuel, plus a refuelling charge.It’s important the customer refuels within 10 kilometers from the drop-off point and keep the fuel station ticket.
Odredbe i uvjeti
Carretera Gral - Telefon: 34 922 979 824
Carretera Gral, Del Sur km 58.5, Casa Blanca
Carretera Gral - Telefon 34 922 979 824