FUERTEVENTURA 7 noćenja + rent'a'car
od 723 €
Fuerteventura (otok), Španjolska

FUERTEVENTURA 7 noćenja + rent'a'car

Stvoreno: utorak, 6. kolovoza 2024.
Ref ID: 5559377
cijena po osobi od
723 €
Na temelju 2 odraslih
Stvoreno: utorak, 6. kolovoza 2024.

O ponudi

O destinaciji

Fuerteventura, drugi po veličini otok u Kanarskom arhipelagu nakon Tenerifa, prirodni je raj, toliko da je otok u svibnju 2009. godine dobio status Rezervata biosfere od strane UNESCO-a. Zračna luka na Fuerteventuri nalazi se na obali blizu Puerto del Rosarija, glavnog grada, ali glavna turistička odmarališta smještena su u Corraleju, na sjeveru, i Morro Jableu, na jugu. Osim dramatičnog prirodnog krajolika otoka, Fuerteventura se može pohvaliti nekim od najsjajnijih plaža koje se mogu naći bilo gdje u svijetu. Ovaj aspekt geografskog sastava otoka, u kombinaciji s konstantnim povjetarcima, čini ga izuzetno popularnim među ljubiteljima vodenih sportova i obožavateljima sunca, a najmanje dvije pješčane plaže dobile su prestižnu Plavu zastavu. Stanovnici otoka, poput stanovnika ostatka Kanarskih otoka, topli su i prijateljski nastrojeni. Ovaj prethodno zanemareni otok postao je sve popularniji među europskom zajednicom za odmor. Fuerteventura je jedno od najneiskvarenijih mjesta koje ćete ikada vidjeti. S bistrom plavom morem, kilometrima beskrajnog zlatnog pijeska i pogledima koji oduzimaju dah, jednostavno nećete htjeti otići!
Više informacija

Uključene usluge

07 lis
Prijevoz od Wien Schwechat do Fuerteventura (otok)
Ryanair Ryanair - FR743 - Upravljao: Ryanair Sun S.A.
05:45 - Vienna, Wien Schwechat (VIE)
09:45 - Fuerteventura, Fuerteventura (FUE)
0 PC 25C 25D Neprekidno
Let:  FR743 Upravljao:  Ryanair Sun S.A.
Klasa kabine: Economy
07 lis
7 Noćenja
Aparthotel Esquinzo Y Monte del Mar 7,6 Dobar
Esquinzo - do 39,6 km od centraNOĆENJE S DORUČKOM Calle Escanfraga, 2, Esquinzo 35626 Studio (2Ad)
This charming apartment complex is located in the south of Fuerteventura, 200 metres from Esquinzo Beach in the small town of Marabu. Guests will enjoy wonderful views over the beach and sea. The beautiful sandy beach is a just a 10-minute walk away. Restaurants, shops and bars are also situated in the vicinity, and public transportation links can be found 500 m from the hotel. Jandia is about 6 km away. This is an ideal place for a fun-filled holiday under the Canarian sun.
07 lis
Najam automobila
11:30 - 7. lis 2024
09:00 - 14. lis 2024
Starost vozača

Minimalno 21, Najviše 80


Full to Full: Pick up and drop off with a full tank. If the car is not returned with a full tank, suppliers will charge fuel plus refueling charges.

Pravila plaćanja
Prepayment: Full rental price due at time of reservation. At pick-up a valid credit card in main driver's name is required as a guarantee. Prepaid or debit cards, such as Maestro, Visa electron, Visa Premier or Carte Bleue are not accepted.
Polog se primjenjuje na ovu rezervaciju
Upon collection of the car a security deposit will be blocked on the driver’s credit card. This deposit is determined by supplier considering your selected car category. Please be informed that the value of one tank of fuel and possible traffic fines can be additionally blocked on your credit card. It is recommended to present a credit card with chip, pin code and embossed numbers.Estimated deposit amount:: EUR 800.00
Zaštita od krađe
with excess up to 650 EUR
Odricanje od štete u slučaju sudara
with excess up to 650 EUR

FUERTEVENTURA AIRPORT - Telefon: 828 124 454 / 828 124 455

Carretera FV-2, Polígono Industrial El Matorral, Nave37

Radno vrijeme: 08:00 - 21:00
"At your arrival at Fuerteventura Airport, from the arrival hall please follow the instructions to the Rent a Car Parking. Once you are in the Rent a Car parking area please turn left until the end. The Gobycar shuttle bus will be waiting for you at the meeting point. . The bus runs every 5 to 10 minutes In case of any incidence, please call 0034-828 124 454."

FUERTEVENTURA AIRPORT - Telefon 828 124 454 / 828 124 455

Carretera FV-2, Polígono Industrial El Matorral, Nave37

Radno vrijeme: 08:00 - 21:00
"At your arrival at Fuerteventura Airport, from the arrival hall please follow the instructions to the Rent a Car Parking. Once you are in the Rent a Car parking area please turn left until the end. The Gobycar shuttle bus will be waiting for you at the meeting point. . The bus runs every 5 to 10 minutes In case of any incidence, please call 0034-828 124 454."
14 lis
Prijevoz od Fuerteventura (otok) do Wien Schwechat
Ryanair Ryanair - FR744 - Upravljao: Ryanair Sun S.A.
10:25 - Fuerteventura, Fuerteventura (FUE)
16:05 - Vienna, Wien Schwechat (VIE)
0 PC 23C 22D Neprekidno
Let:  FR744 Upravljao:  Ryanair Sun S.A.
Klasa kabine: Economy
cijena po osobi od
723 €
Na temelju 2 odraslih
Prilagodite svoj paket!
Sažetak putovanja
2 Odrasle osobe
Noći 7
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Odredišta 1
Prijevozi 2
Smještaj 1
Automobili 1
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