Proljetna MALLORCA 7 noćenja iz Trevisa + rent'a'car
od 539 €
Mallorca (otok), Španjolska

Proljetna MALLORCA 7 noćenja iz Trevisa + rent'a'car

Stvoreno: srijeda, 4. prosinca 2024.
Ref ID: 3992348
cijena po osobi od
539 €
Na temelju 2 odraslih
Stvoreno: srijeda, 4. prosinca 2024.

O ponudi

O destinaciji

Mallorca je poznata kao lako dostupna meka za ljubitelje sunčanih plaža, nevjerojatnih krajolika, prekrasnih planina i pristupačne mediteranske hrane. S obalom većom od 550 km. U visokoj sezoni otok prima oko 8 milijuna turista iz cijelog svijeta. To je i blagoslov i prokletstvo za stanovnike, a za to su dobro pripremljeni i pružaju vrlo dobro organiziranu turističku infrastrukturu. Ipak, Mallorca može pokazati čak i druga lica kada napustite obalu i pogledate unutrašnjost zemlje. Cijene padaju sa svakim kilometrom koji odmaknete od obale i dosegnete uobičajene španjolske standarde u središtu otoka ili čak u nekim dijelovima planinskog područja. Geografski se otok može podijeliti na tri dijela. Stijene Serra de Tramuntana protežu se od jugozapada do sjeveroistoka, dok se Serra de Llevant proteže duž istočne obale. Između njih leži središnja ravnica.
Više informacija

Uključene usluge

07 svi
Prijevoz od Treviso do Mallorca (otok)
Ryanair Ryanair - FR6583
09:05 - Treviso, Treviso (TSF)
11:00 - Palma de Mallorca, Son Sant Joan, Mallorca (PMI)
0 PC Neprekidno
Let:  FR6583
Klasa kabine: Economy
07 svi
7 Noćenja
Eix Lagotel Holiday Resort 8,1 Vrlo dobro
Playa de Muro - do 41,4 km od centraNOĆENJE S DORUČKOM Circuit del llac, s/n, Playa de Muro 07458 Room
This Mallorcan lakeside complex is set in gardens, next to S’Albufera Nature Reserve. It has a gym and 3 outdoor pools, and free buses to the beach, 800 metres away. The Lagotel has tennis courts, mini golf, a sauna and hot tub. There is a children’s play area and entertainment staff. You can play billiards and table tennis. The Eix Lagotel Holiday Resort offers rooms with air conditioning, free Wi-Fi, a private balcony and satellite TV. There is a restaurant, bar and poolside snack bar, as well as an on-site supermarket. Free parking is available nearby.
07 svi
Najam automobila
Toyota Aygo
Son Sant Joan, Mallorca
Aeropuerto de Son Sant Joan
12:00 - 7. svi 2025
Son Sant Joan, Mallorca
Aeropuerto de Son Sant Joan
04:45 - 14. svi 2025
Starost vozača

Minimalno 18, Najviše 80


Cars will be supplied with a full tank of fuel and should be returned full. Otherwise the client will be charged for missing fuel, plus a refuelling charge.
It’s important the customer refuels within 10 kilometers from the drop-off point and keep the fuel station ticket.
Electric vehicles will be supplied with a full charge and should be returned full.
All electric vehicles will be provided with a cable for charging the electric vehicle. If a customer returns a vehicle and this cable is not in the car (after checking the car), Goldcar will proceed to charge the fee Fee for EV Cable not received. The cost of this fee will be as follows: 363.00 EUR per vehicle in concept of penalty clause.

Pravila plaćanja
In addition to the car rental security deposit, clients may be required to leave a deposit for fuel and/or extras contracted locally. The following deposit will be debited at the start of the rental (fuel and extras deposit might not be included in this amount) : AA (MCMR), A3 (MBAR), A6 (MDAE), B6 (EDAE), BB (ECMR), CC (EDMR), C6 (CCAE), S (CVMR), M, B3 (EDAR), 1100.00 EUR
D (CDMR), E (CDAR), R (EFMR), R2 (CMAR), S6 (CFAE), N (HDMR), D9 (IFMM), DD (CFAR), L (IFMR), T (CXMR), 1400.00 EUR
GG, J (IVMR), JJ (IVAR), K (MVMR), 2000.00 EUR
The deposit will be refunded on return, any fluctuation of currency exchange is not the responsibility of the supplier or flexible autos. Credit card should be valid during the rental period. The expire date must excess the drop off date.Form of payment accepted: Mastercard credit card, Visa credit card, Mastercard Debit Cards, Visa Debit Cards Form of payment NOT accepted: Cheques, Cash, American Express credit card, Prepaid cards, Credit and
Polog se primjenjuje na ovu rezervaciju
1.100,00 €
Zaštita od krađe
2.300,00 €
Odricanje od štete u slučaju sudara
2.300,00 €

Aeropuerto de Son Sant Joan - Telefon: +34 918 344 064

Aeropuerto de Son Sant Joan, Arrivals Hall, Mallorca

Radno vrijeme: 07:00 - 23:00
Goldcar Desk in Arrivals Hall

Aeropuerto de Son Sant Joan - Telefon +34 918 344 064

Aeropuerto de Son Sant Joan, Arrivals Hall, Mallorca

Radno vrijeme: 07:00 - 23:00
Goldcar Desk in Arrivals Hall
14 svi
Prijevoz od Mallorca (otok) do Treviso
Ryanair Ryanair - FR6582
06:50 - Palma de Mallorca, Son Sant Joan, Mallorca (PMI)
08:40 - Treviso, Treviso (TSF)
0 PC Neprekidno
Let:  FR6582
Klasa kabine: Economy
1 Osiguranja
Ryan sedeži + prtljaga Zavarovanje (Opis) - Regija (Posamezna država Celina) - Dnevi (8)
cijena po osobi od
539 €
Na temelju 2 odraslih
Prilagodite svoj paket!
Sažetak putovanja
2 Odrasle osobe
Noći 7
Ova ideja uključuje
Odredišta 1
Prijevozi 2
Smještaj 1
Automobili 1
Osiguranja 1
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