od 193 €
Palermo, Sicilija, Italija


Stvoreno: utorak, 29. studenoga 2022.
Ref ID: 3115536
cijena po osobi od
193 €
Na temelju 2 odraslih
Stvoreno: utorak, 29. studenoga 2022.

O ponudi

O destinaciji

Život u Palermu je intenzivan. Ljudi i zgrade su stisnuti u svaki dostupan prostor, a kaotične tržnice čine uske pješačke staze neprohodnima. Bujni vrtovi postoje uz siromašne uske ulice, a sušenje rublja podsjeća na svečane zastave javne proslave. Šetajte duž via Rome do Corso Vittorio Emanuele, divite se trgovima i bujnoj katedrali. Palazzo dei Normani je izvanredna fuzija stilova, njegovi bizantski mozaici podsjećaju na zlatno doba grada. Ruševine crkve San Giovanni degli Eremiti stoje iza ugla, s ružičastim kupolama koje štite egzotičan samostanski vrt. Nacionalna galerija Sicilije, smještena u Palazzo Abatellis, ima izvanrednu kolekciju slika i skulptura. Ujutro ne propustite masivnu otvorenu tržnicu Capo. Većina noćnog života Palerma odvija se u plažnom okrugu Mondello. Tamo se možete pridružiti šetajućim gomilama mladih Talijana koji kušaju ribu iz kuhinjskih štandova uz more i jedu sladoled.
Više informacija

Uključene usluge

17 sij
Prijevoz od Trieste do Palermo, Sicilija
Ryanair Ryanair - FR7862
19:00 - Trieste, Trieste (TRS)
20:30 - Palermo, Palermo (PMO)
Neprekidno Tarifa: Value
Let:  FR7862
Klasa kabine: Economy
Naziv karte: Value
17 sij
4 Noćenja
Crisol Europa 6,9 Lijep
Palermo - do 1,6 km od centraNOĆENJE S DORUČKOM Via Agrigento, 3, Palermo 90141 Double economy
Palermo's Crisol Europa is just 500 metres from Piazza Castelnuovo. Each guest room comes with air conditioning and a TV. The hotel features a small conference room for up to 30 delegates. You will also find an internet point in the lobby. You can enjoy a drink at the American bar and a traditional Sicilian meal at the small restaurant, exclusively reserved for hotel guests. The Europa Hotel is just around the corner from the port, the station, and the airport bus terminal.
17 sij
Najam automobila
Fiat Panda 1.2 or similar
Palermo International Airport - Terminal
21:30 - 17. sij 2023
Palermo International Airport - Terminal
08:30 - 21. sij 2023
Starost vozača

Minimalno 23, Najviše 80


Full to Full: Pick up and drop off with a full tank. If the car is not returned with a full tank, suppliers will charge fuel plus refueling charges.

Pravila plaćanja
Prepayment: Full rental price due at time of reservation. At pick-up a valid credit card in main driver's name is required as a guarantee. Prepaid or debit cards, such as Maestro, Visa electron, Visa Premier or Carte Bleue are not accepted.
Polog se primjenjuje na ovu rezervaciju
Upon collection of the car a security deposit will be blocked on the driver’s credit card. This deposit is determined by supplier considering your selected car category. Please be informed that the value of one tank of fuel and possible traffic fines can be additionally blocked on your credit card. It is recommended to present a credit card with chip, pin code and embossed numbers.Estimated deposit amount:: EUR 650.00
Zaštita od krađe
with excess up to 1,400 EUR
Odricanje od štete u slučaju sudara
with excess up to 1,400 EUR

Palermo International Airport - Terminal - Telefon: +39 91 591 250 / 348/9014624

APT Falcone Borsellino - Desk in the rent a car area - In Terminal

Radno vrijeme: 07:30 - 23:30
Airport Location, please follow signs to the car rental stations.

Palermo International Airport - Terminal - Telefon +39 91 591 250 / 348/9014624

APT Falcone Borsellino - Desk in the rent a car area - In Terminal

Radno vrijeme: 07:30 - 23:30
Airport Location, please follow signs to the car rental stations.
17 sij
Check-in for the flight
Check-in for the flight
CheckIn - CheckIn za letalo
Bez povrata novca
Pogledajte detalje
Prijevoz je u istom danu. Provjerite radno vrijeme
21 sij
Prijevoz od Palermo, Sicilija do Trieste
Ryanair Ryanair - FR7861
10:40 - Palermo, Palermo (PMO)
12:20 - Trieste, Trieste (TRS)
Neprekidno Tarifa: Value
Let:  FR7861
Klasa kabine: Economy
Naziv karte: Value
cijena po osobi od
193 €
Na temelju 2 odraslih
Sažetak putovanja
2 Odrasle osobe
Noći 4
Ova ideja uključuje
Odredišta 1
Prijevozi 2
Smještaj 1
Automobili 1
Ulaznice 1
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