Malta izbor izletov
od 413 €
Malta, Malta

Malta izbor izletov

Stvoreno: ponedjeljak, 14. listopada 2024. - Odlazak: ponedjeljak, 18. studenoga 2024.
Ref ID: 14098576
cijena po osobi od
413 €
Na temelju 1 odraslih
413 €
Ukupna cijena
Stvoreno: ponedjeljak, 14. listopada 2024. - Odlazak: ponedjeljak, 18. studenoga 2024.

O destinaciji

Malteški otoci su talilica različitih kultura koje su svaka igrale ulogu u oblikovanju naše povijesti, baštine i načina života. Iako u svemu što radimo ostaje urođena "maltešnost", utjecaji prošlih vladara još uvijek se mogu primijetiti u našem svakodnevnom životu. Naš je jezik izveden iz semitskih korijena s talijanskim utjecajima i jedini je takav jezik koji se piše latiničnim pismom; naš glavni grad - Valletta - i utvrde otoka, izgradili su Vitezovi reda sv. Ivana; naša nacionalna zastava nosi Georgijevski križ, nagradu za hrabrost zemlje tijekom Drugog svjetskog rata, tijekom kojeg je Malta služila kao mornarička baza za Britance; i popis se nastavlja. 8000 godina povijesti kondenzirano je na otoku od samo 316 kvadratnih kilometara, pa se povijest može pronaći u svakom kutku otoka. Od najstarijih slobodno stojećih hramskih struktura megalitskih hramova i Ħal Saflieni Hypogeuma do nevjerojatnih podviga utvrđene arhitekture poput "tihe" grada Mdine i glavnog grada Vallette, oba UNESCO-va svjetska kulturna dobra, otkrit ćete da Malteški otoci imaju i moderniju stranu. Nakon više od 160 godina britanske vladavine, Malta je 1964. godine postala neovisna nacija. Otada se otok nastavio razvijati u toplo i gostoljubivo otok kakav danas poznajemo. Od prekrasnih sunčanih plaža, do zabavnih aktivnosti za slobodno vrijeme, luksuznih doživljaja i, naravno, povijesnih i kulturnih izleta, Malteški otoci imaju nešto za svaku vrstu putnika. Otvorena, sigurna i multikulturalna destinacija, Malta je uvijek bila talilica koja prihvaća raznolikost kultura. Danas je naša zemlja jedno od najinkluzivnijih mjesta na svijetu, sretno dočekujući tisuće putnika svih vrsta, oblika, veličina, boja i vjeroispovijesti svake godine. Činjenice o Malti • Malteški otoci mogu se pohvaliti s 300 sunčanih dana tijekom godine. • Malta je manje od tri sata leta udaljena od većine glavnih europskih zračnih luka. • Ukupna površina otoka pokriva samo 316 km kvadratnih, što znači da su vremena putovanja često kraća od 20 minuta! • Malteški i engleski su dva službena jezika na otoku, iako mnogi ljudi također tečno govore talijanski. • Glavni grad, Valletta, bio je Europska prijestolnica kulture 2018. godine i jedno je od tri UNESCO-va svjetska kulturna dobra na otoku. • Malta se pridružila Europskoj uniji 1. svibnja 2004. i usvojila euro na Novu godinu 2008.
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Uključene usluge

19 stu
Mdina and Highlights of Malta Full Day Guided Tour Incl. Lunch and Transfers
Mdina and Highlights of Malta Full Day Guided Tour Incl. Lunch and Transfers
1 Entrada ( Odraslih od 13 do 100 let: 1 )
From 7 to 8 hours 09:45 With German Speaking Guide
This tour is ideal for those guests who want to visit and experience some of Malta’s most interesting highlights in just one day. Carefully designed to make your day truly memorable, you start by visiting the ancient Medieval city of Mdina. Other attractions visited during this tour include a visit to the nearby village of Rabat, the Catacombs dedicated to St. Cataldu...
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Guided Night Tour of Valletta Waterfront, Mdina and Rabat
Guided Night Tour of Valletta Waterfront, Mdina and Rabat
1 Entrada ( Odraslih od 13 do 100 let: 1 )
2 hours and 50 minutes 20:45 With English Speaking Guide
Visit some beautiful locations during night-time and experience the splendor of Malta under the stars. During this guided night tour, you will have the opportunity to appreciate Malta under a different lens, an entirely different setting, away from the hustle and bustle of daytime, when the nocturnal charm settles in, and all streets and landmarks are beautifully illu...
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20 stu
Valletta Half-Day Guided Tour with Optional Cathedral Tour
Valletta Half-Day Guided Tour with Optional Cathedral Tour
1 Entrada ( Odraslih od 13 do 100 let: 1 )
4 hours 09:30 English Without Cathedral
Our guided tour through the vibrant streets of Valletta will allow you to discover the beauty and charm of the capital city of Malta; a fortified city built by the Knights of St. John in 1566. A UNESCO World Heritage Site in its entirety and with a history spanning almost 5 centuries, Valletta is regarded by many as an open-air museum! With its imposing fortifications...
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The Three Fortified Cities of Malta Half Day Tour Incl. Boat Trip and Transfers
The Three Fortified Cities of Malta Half Day Tour Incl. Boat Trip and Transfers
1 Entrada ( Odraslih od 13 do 100 let: 1 )
4 hours 09:45 With English Speaking Guide
The Three Cities is a collective description of the three fortified cities of Cospicua, Vittoriosa and Senglea. The oldest of the Three Cities is Vittoriosa, which has existed since the Middle Ages. The other two cities, Senglea and Cospicua, were both founded by the Order of the Knights of Saint John in the 16th and 17th centuries respectively. During this half-day t...
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21 stu
Gozo Guided Day Trip Incl. Ggantija Temples and Lunch
Gozo Guided Day Trip Incl. Ggantija Temples and Lunch
1 Entrada ( Odraslih od 13 do 100 let: 1 )
From 8 to 9 hours 09:45 With English Speaking Guide
Gozo is an enchanting island, brimming with rich history at every twist and turn, during this full day tour, you will experience Gozo’s magnificent heritage, visit key landmarks, and discover hidden gems. After a short twenty-minute ferry crossing we start by visiting the megalithic temples of Ġgantija, a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1980. We will proceed to Victo...
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22 stu
Maltese Traditional Dinner and Folklore Show with Transfers
Maltese Traditional Dinner and Folklore Show with Transfers
1 Entrada ( Odraslih od 11 do 121 let: 1 )
3 hours Maltese Traditional Dinner and Folklore Show with Transfers
Folklore evenings at an award-winning family run restaurant are a truly Maltese celebration sprinkled with a lot of liveliness. Feast yourselves on a traditional sumptuous 4 course Maltese dinner carefully prepared by award-winning chefs, including flowing local wines, mineral water, and coffee. The restaurant dance floor rises for the folklore show which features dan...
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23 stu
The Brewery Experience & beer tasting including transport
The Brewery Experience & beer tasting including transport
1 Entrada ( Odraslih od 13 do 121 let: 1 )
The Brewery Experience & beer tasting including transport
This tour includes transport to visit the home of Cisk beer to discover the rich story behind Malta`s favorite beers at the Farsons Brewery in Birkirkara. An hour-long self-exploratory audio tour takes you behind the brand from grain to bottle. Beer was not always the drink of choice in Malta. Discover how the arrival of the British Armed forces ingrained a trend that...
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24 stu
Half Day Tour in Marsaxlokk Village, Market, Blue Grotto & Qrendi
Half Day Tour in Marsaxlokk Village, Market, Blue Grotto & Qrendi
1 Entrada ( Odraslih od 13 do 100 let: 1 )
09:30 With English Speaking Guide
Explore the picturesque fishing village of Marsaxlokk and its traditional Sunday open market, travel to Zurrieq Valley to visit the marvellous Blue Grotto where you can also take an optional boat trip to the caves, end your tour with a walk at Qrendi, one of Malta’s unspoilt traditional villages.
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cijena po osobi od
413 €
Na temelju 1 odraslih
413 €
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