Prvomajski HALKIDIKI GRČIJA 5 noči + rent'a'car
From 396 €
Chalkidiki, Greece

Prvomajski HALKIDIKI GRČIJA 5 noči + rent'a'car

Created: Sunday, March 2, 2025
Ref ID: 21982148
price per person From
396 €
Based on 2 adults
Created: Sunday, March 2, 2025

About the offer

About the destination

Halkidiki, biser severne Grčije, je popolna destinacija za vse, ki si želijo nepozabnega dopusta ob Egejskem morju. S svojimi tremi polotoki – Kassandra, Sithonia in Athos – ponuja raznolike pokrajine, čudovite plaže, bogato zgodovino in tradicionalno grško gostoljubnost. Ne glede na to, ali iščete sprostitev na peščenih plažah, raziskovanje starodavnih znamenitosti ali gurmanske užitke v lokalnih tavernah, Halkidiki zagotavlja edinstveno izkušnjo za vsakogar. Potovanje je organizirano tako, da omogoča popolno svobodo raziskovanja v lastnem tempu, kar vam omogoča, da doživite regijo po svojih željah.

Zanimivosti v Solunu

Preden zapustite mesto, si lahko ogledate:

  • Bela stolp (Lefkos Pyrgos) – simbol mesta s panoramskim razgledom.
  • Rotonda in Galerijev slavolok – zgodovinski spomeniki iz rimskih časov.
  • Cerkev sv. Dimitrija – posvečena zavetniku mesta.
  • Arheološki muzej Soluna – razstava antičnih najdb iz Makedonije.
  • Trg Aristotelous – osrednji trg s kavarnami in restavracijami.
  • Modiano in Kapani tržnica – avtentična grška doživetja z lokalnimi izdelki.
  • Obalna promenada – prijeten sprehod ob Egejskem morju.

Zanimivosti v Halkidikiju

Halkidiki je sestavljen iz treh polotokov: Kassandra, Sithonia in Athos. Vsak izmed njih ponuja svoje znamenitosti:

  • Kassandra:
  • Vas Afitos – slikovita kamnita vas z čudovitimi razgledi.
  • Termalni vrelci Agia Paraskevi – termalna kopališča s pogledom na morje.
  • Paliouri – obmorska vas z odličnimi tavernami.
  • Sithonia:
  • Neos Marmaras – prijetno letoviško mesto s pristaniščem.
  • Parthenonas – tradicionalna vasica v gorah.
  • Toroni – starodavne ruševine in peščene plaže.
  • Athos:
  • Uranopolis – vstopna točka za ogled samostanov na Sveti gori Athos (možki lahko obiščejo samostane s posebnim dovoljenjem).
  • Križarjenja okoli Athosa – izlet z ladjo ob obali, saj je vstop ženskim obiskovalcem prepovedan.

Najlepše plaže v Halkidikiju

Halkidiki slovi po kristalno čistem morju in rajskih plažah:

  • Kassandra:
  • Sani Beach – luksuzna plaža s finim peskom.
  • Possidi Beach – dolga peščena plaža z modrim morjem.
  • Glarokavos Beach – kombinacija peščene obale in lagune.
  • Sithonia:
  • Kavourotrypes Beach – eksotična plaža z belim peskom in turkizno vodo.
  • Armenistis Beach – ena izmed najbolj priljubljenih kamping plaž.
  • Karidi Beach – majhna laguna s plitvo vodo, idealna za družine.
  • Athos:
  • Ammouliani Island Beaches – rajske plaže na edinem naseljenem otoku v zalivu Athosa.
  • Komitsa Beach – dolga in mirna plaža s čistim morjem.
More info

Included services

26 Apr
Transport from Zagreb to Chalkidiki
Ryanair Ryanair - FR5864 - Operated by: Lauda Europe Ltd
15:20 - Zagreb, Zagreb (ZAG)
17:55 - Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki Airport "Makedonia" (SKG)
0 PC Nonstop
Transport:  FR5864 Operated by:  Lauda Europe Ltd
Cabin Class: Economy
26 Apr
5 Nights
5 more pictures
4-You Hotel Apartments 9 Superb
Metamorfosi, Chalkidiki - At 15.4 km from the centreBED AND BREAKFASTMetamorfosi, Metamorfosi, Chalkidiki Smart Economy Studio with terrace
4-You Hotel-Apartments is located just 120m away from the beach. Modernly designed, the apartment provides 37 units and are fully equipped with amenities such as kitchenette, mini fridge, and WiFi.. Applies for all Arrivals: For stays as from 01/01/2024 or including this date, a Climate Crisis Resilience Fee will be payable directly to the hotel upon arrival. Fee will be charged per room per night in Euro currency as below: Properties Licensed as Hotels: 1 or 2 stars 1.50 (March through October) / 0.50 (November through February) 3 stars 3.00 (March through October) / 1.50 (November through February) 4 stars 7.00 (March through October) / 3.00 (November through February) 5 stars 10.00 (March through October) / 4.00 (November through February) Properties Registered as Apartments/Rooms: 1-4 keys 1.50 Euros (March through October) / 0.50 (November through February)
26 Apr
Car rental
Fiat 500
Thessaloniki Airport "Makedonia"
Thessaloniki Airport
19:00 - 26. Apr 2025
Thessaloniki Airport "Makedonia"
Thessaloniki Airport
19:30 - 1. May 2025
Driver age

Minimum 19, Maximum 99

Fuel Policy

Full to Full: Pick up and drop off with a full tank. If the car is not returned with a full tank, suppliers will charge fuel plus refueling charges.

General payment terms
Prepayment: Full rental price due at time of reservation. At pick-up a valid credit card in main driver's name is required as a guarantee. Prepaid or debit cards, such as Maestro, Visa electron, Visa Premier or Carte Bleue are not accepted.
Deposit applicable to this booking
Upon collection of the car a security deposit will be blocked on the driver’s credit card. This deposit is determined by supplier considering the applicable excess amount and selected car category. Please be informed that the value of the applicable excess, one tank of fuel and possible traffic fines can be additionally blocked on your credit card. It is recommended to present a credit card with chip, pin code and embossed numbers.Estimated deposit amount:: EUR 1100.00
Theft protection
with excess up to 1,100 EUR
Collision damage waiver
with excess up to 1,100 EUR

Thessaloniki Airport - Telephone: +302111985310

16th kilometre Thessalonikis neas mihanionas

Opening hours: 07:00 - 23:00
Terminal 1: Once you have collected your luggage, exit the terminal building, cross the road, and turn right. Walk towards parking area P5 where you can wait for the Centauro Rent a Car shuttle which comes every 10-15 minutes. Terminal 2: Once you have collected your luggage, come out of the terminal building using Exit 3 and walk approx.150 mts. to Exit 5 of Terminal 1. Cross the road and turn right. Walk towards parking area P5 where you can wait for the Centauro Rent a Car shuttle which comes every 10-15 minutes.

Thessaloniki Airport - Telephone +302111985310

16th kilometre Thessalonikis neas mihanionas

Opening hours: 07:00 - 23:00
Terminal 1: Once you have collected your luggage, exit the terminal building, cross the road, and turn right. Walk towards parking area P5 where you can wait for the Centauro Rent a Car shuttle which comes every 10-15 minutes. Terminal 2: Once you have collected your luggage, come out of the terminal building using Exit 3 and walk approx.150 mts. to Exit 5 of Terminal 1. Cross the road and turn right. Walk towards parking area P5 where you can wait for the Centauro Rent a Car shuttle which comes every 10-15 minutes.
01 May
Transport from Chalkidiki to Zagreb
Ryanair Ryanair - FR5865 - Operated by: Lauda Europe Ltd
21:35 - Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki Airport "Makedonia" (SKG)
22:15 - Zagreb, Zagreb (ZAG)
0 PC Nonstop
Transport:  FR5865 Operated by:  Lauda Europe Ltd
Cabin Class: Economy
2 Insurances
Ryan sedeži + prtljaga 10 kg Zavarovanje (Opis) - Regija (Posamezna država Celina) - Dnevi (6)
Rizik odpovedi 12 Zavarovanje (Opis) - Regija (Posamezna država Celina) - Dnevi (6)
price per person From
396 €
Based on 2 adults
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