Maribor, Terme Romane, Ptuj, Rogla, Piramida **** da Napoli
From 405 €

Maribor, Terme Romane, Ptuj, Rogla, Piramida **** da Napoli

volo, trasferimento, autonoleggio, prima colazione
Created: Wednesday, July 27, 2022
Ref ID: 3142523
price per person From
405 €
Based on 2 adults
Created: Wednesday, July 27, 2022
Destinations: Zagreb, Croatia , Maribor, Slovenia , Rimske Toplice, Slovenia , Rogla, Slovenia , Ptuj, Slovenia , Zagreb, Croatia

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19 Sep
Transport from Naples to Zagreb
Ryanair Ryanair - FR6688
21:55 - Naples, Capodichino (NAP)
23:10 - Zagreb, Zagreb (ZAG)
1h 15m 0 PC Nonstop
Transport:  FR6688
Cabin Class: Economy
Fare Name: Value
19 Sep
Car rental
Suzuki Swift
Right Cars Vehicle Rental Ltd
A/C 2 doors 4 people
Suzuki Swift or similar
Fuel Policy: Pickup full return full
Manual transmission
Unlimited mileage
Driver age

Minimum 18, Maximum 99

Fuel Policy
Pieno-Pieno: ritiro e restituzione a serbatoio pieno. Se il veicolo non viene restitutito pieno, il fornitore addebita il rifornimento più una penale per il servizio rifornimento.
General payment terms
Prepagamento: il pagamento Richiesto al momento della prenotazione. Al ritiro è obbligatorio presentare una carta di credito valida a nome del conducente principale. Le carte prepagate e di debito (Maestro, Visa Electron e Premier, Carte Bleue) non saranno accettate.
Al momento del ritiro dell'auto un deposito cauzionale sarà bloccato sulla carta di credito del conducente. Questo deposito è determinato dal fornitore considerando la categoria dell'auto selezionata. Si prega di essere informati che il valore di un serbatoio di carburante ed eventuali multe possono essere ulteriormente bloccati sulla vostra carta di credito. Si raccomanda di presentare una carta di credito con chip, codice pin e numeri in rilievo.Deposito cauzionale stimato: EUR 800,00
Theft protection
con una franchigia di 800 EUR
Collision damage waiver
con una franchigia di 800 EUR

Zagabria Aeroporto - Telephone: +38513885809

Zagreb Airport, Ulica Rudolfa Fizira 21

Opening hours: 00:00 - 23:59

La stazione si trova all'interno dell'aeroporto. La invitiamo a seguire le indicazioni per raggiungere l'area dedicata ai servizi di autonoleggio.

Zagabria Aeroporto - Telephone +38513885809

Zagreb Airport, Ulica Rudolfa Fizira 21

Opening hours: 00:00 - 23:59

La stazione si trova all'interno dell'aeroporto. La invitiamo a seguire le indicazioni per raggiungere l'area dedicata ai servizi di autonoleggio.
19 Sep
1. Zagreb
About the destination: Often forgotten by tourist seeking the sun and coastline, Zagreb is an alluring destination on its own. The capital city of Croatia is a perfect mixture of Western and Eastern Europe. The sober Austro-Hungarian buildings are surrounded by chic restaurants and boutiques that contrast with the seedy pubs and loud beer halls. Zagreb offers a wide choice for visitors. From trendy art galleries to more traditional music halls and museums, and outdoor leisure, a lot of outdoor leisure. Maksimir Park, in the east, is filled with joggers, bikers and strollers. In the southeast of the city, we find Jarun Lake, where locals and tourists alike go to swim or sail and to, afterwards, dance the night away in a lakeside disco. Just a ride away on the shine new trams, we find Mt Medvednica that offers hiking, skiing and great views over the city. Either you are looking for a city break or a break from your lazy beach holidays, Zagreb won’t disappoint visitors in the slightest.
More info
19 Sep
Car journey 114 Kilometers - 1h 38m
19 Sep
2. Maribor
About the destination: Maribor is the second most important centre and the second largest city of Slovenia. The rich wine tradition in Maribor is one of the oldest in the world. The old town core promises unforgettable experiences: go for a walk along the banks of the river Drava and through the lively streets and squares, where history and tradition mix with dynamism and contemporaneousness.
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23 Sep
Car journey 71 Kilometers - 1h 6m
Rimske Toplice
23 Sep
3. Rimske Toplice
About the destination:

Rimske Toplice so naselje v občini Laško v vzhodni Sloveniji. Leži na desnem bregu reke Savinje ob cesti iz Celja v Ljubljano prek Zidanega Mosta. Območje je del tradicionalne dežele Štajerske. Zdaj je skupaj z ostalimi deli občine vključeno v Savinjsko statistično regijo. Lokacijo Rimskih Toplic obdajajo gozdnata pobočja bližnjih gora, ki zagotavljajo zavetje pred vetrom in poletno vročino ter podpirajo bogato vegetacijo eksotičnih rastlin z vsega sveta. Med njimi so orjaške sekvoje, kanadski hemoke, ciprese in kalifornijske cedre. Zdravilno moč naravnih izvirov so cenili že Rimljani. Blagodejne učinke in zdravilno moč so uživali na desnem bregu Savinje, kjer pod hribom Stražnik (655 m), ki izvira iz razpok triasnih dolomitnih kamnin v Rimskih Toplicah, še danes izvirajo termalni vrelci. O tem pričajo spomeniki in žrtveni oltarji, posvečeni boginjam in nimfam v zahvalo za ozdravitev antičnih gostov, ki so jih našli med letoma 1769 in 1845

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23 Sep
Car journey 56 Kilometers - 1h 18m
Rimske Toplice
23 Sep
4. Rogla
About the destination:

Rogla is a well-known Slovenian ski resort on the Pohorje mountain range in the municipality of Zreče that attracts visitors with its extensive forests, peat bogs and lakes. At Rogla you can enjoy the diverse landscape, which offers a variety of activities all year round. There are many hiking and biking trails, as well as ski slopes in winter. Discover the traditions, cultural and natural monuments and typical gastronomy of the destination. A special feature is the wooden path at a height of 20 meters, which takes you through the treetops and offers a unique experience.

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23 Sep
Car journey 62 Kilometers - 1h 17m
23 Sep
5. Ptuj
About the destination: Ptuj is the oldest city in Slovenia. Perched above the city the mighty Ptuj Castle offers splendid views far and wide and hosts the Ptuj Ormož Regional Museum, whose permanent exhibition will take you on a journey through the millennia of the city’s history. Ptuj’s is not the only castle you can see in the region – there are many other historic castles worth a visit. The Dominican and Minorite Monastery, together with the city castle, all shape the Ptuj townscape. Other sights worth seeing are monuments, the City Tower and the City Hall. Art lovers will enjoy visiting galleries showcasing the works of local and foreign artists as well as master craftsmen and artisans.
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23 Sep
Car journey 96 Kilometers - 1h 35m
23 Sep
6. Zagreb
About the destination: Often forgotten by tourist seeking the sun and coastline, Zagreb is an alluring destination on its own. The capital city of Croatia is a perfect mixture of Western and Eastern Europe. The sober Austro-Hungarian buildings are surrounded by chic restaurants and boutiques that contrast with the seedy pubs and loud beer halls. Zagreb offers a wide choice for visitors. From trendy art galleries to more traditional music halls and museums, and outdoor leisure, a lot of outdoor leisure. Maksimir Park, in the east, is filled with joggers, bikers and strollers. In the southeast of the city, we find Jarun Lake, where locals and tourists alike go to swim or sail and to, afterwards, dance the night away in a lakeside disco. Just a ride away on the shine new trams, we find Mt Medvednica that offers hiking, skiing and great views over the city. Either you are looking for a city break or a break from your lazy beach holidays, Zagreb won’t disappoint visitors in the slightest.
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23 Sep
Transport from Zagreb to Naples
Ryanair Ryanair - FR6687
21:00 - Zagreb, Zagreb (ZAG)
22:10 - Naples, Capodichino (NAP)
1h 10m 0 PC Nonstop
Transport:  FR6687
Cabin Class: Economy
Fare Name: Value
price per person From
405 €
Based on 2 adults
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This idea includes
Destinations 6
Transports 2
Accommodations 1
Cars 1
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