The imperial termal experience with: Flight, Car, Hotel, Halfboard
From 751 €

The imperial termal experience with: Flight, Car, Hotel, Halfboard

Incl. Half Board + Car Rental
Created: Wednesday, July 6, 2022
Ref ID: 3013831
price per person From
751 €
Based on 2 adults
Created: Wednesday, July 6, 2022
Destinations: Zagreb, Croatia , Rimske Toplice, Slovenia , Zagreb, Croatia

About the offer

Your trip day by day

07 Sep
Transport from Oslo to Zagreb
Ryanair Ryanair - FR8794
20:20 - Sandefjord, Sandefjord-Torp (TRF) Alternative airport
22:55 - Zagreb, Zagreb (ZAG)
2h 35m 0 KG Nonstop
Transport:  FR8794
Cabin Class: Economy
07 Sep
1. Zagreb
About the destination: Often forgotten by tourist seeking the sun and coastline, Zagreb is an alluring destination on its own. The capital city of Croatia is a perfect mixture of Western and Eastern Europe. The sober Austro-Hungarian buildings are surrounded by chic restaurants and boutiques that contrast with the seedy pubs and loud beer halls. Zagreb offers a wide choice for visitors. From trendy art galleries to more traditional music halls and museums, and outdoor leisure, a lot of outdoor leisure. Maksimir Park, in the east, is filled with joggers, bikers and strollers. In the southeast of the city, we find Jarun Lake, where locals and tourists alike go to swim or sail and to, afterwards, dance the night away in a lakeside disco. Just a ride away on the shine new trams, we find Mt Medvednica that offers hiking, skiing and great views over the city. Either you are looking for a city break or a break from your lazy beach holidays, Zagreb won’t disappoint visitors in the slightest.
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07 Sep
Car rental
VW Polo
Zagreb Airport
00:00 - 7. Sep 2022
Zagreb Airport
15:00 - 14. Sep 2022
Driver age

Minimum 18, Maximum 99

Fuel Policy

Full to Full: Pick up and drop off with a full tank. If the car is not returned with a full tank, suppliers will charge fuel plus refueling charges.

General payment terms
Prepayment: Full rental price due at time of reservation. At pick-up a valid credit card in main driver's name is required as a guarantee. Prepaid or debit cards, such as Maestro, Visa electron, Visa Premier or Carte Bleue are not accepted.
Deposit applicable to this booking
Upon collection of the car a security deposit will be blocked on the driver’s credit card. This deposit is determined by supplier considering your selected car category. Please be informed that the value of one tank of fuel and possible traffic fines can be additionally blocked on your credit card. It is recommended to present a credit card with chip, pin code and embossed numbers.Estimated deposit amount:: EUR 800.00
Theft protection
with excess up to 800 EUR
Collision damage waiver
with excess up to 800 EUR

Zagreb Airport - Telephone: +38513885809

Zagreb Airport, Ulica Rudolfa Fizira 21

Opening hours: 00:00 - 23:59
Airport Location, please follow signs to the car rental stations.

Zagreb Airport - Telephone +38513885809

Zagreb Airport, Ulica Rudolfa Fizira 21

Opening hours: 00:00 - 23:59
Airport Location, please follow signs to the car rental stations.
Transport from Zagreb to Rimske Toplice
No transport selected
07 Sep
2. Rimske Toplice
About the destination:

Rimske Toplice so naselje v občini Laško v vzhodni Sloveniji. Leži na desnem bregu reke Savinje ob cesti iz Celja v Ljubljano prek Zidanega Mosta. Območje je del tradicionalne dežele Štajerske. Zdaj je skupaj z ostalimi deli občine vključeno v Savinjsko statistično regijo. Lokacijo Rimskih Toplic obdajajo gozdnata pobočja bližnjih gora, ki zagotavljajo zavetje pred vetrom in poletno vročino ter podpirajo bogato vegetacijo eksotičnih rastlin z vsega sveta. Med njimi so orjaške sekvoje, kanadski hemoke, ciprese in kalifornijske cedre. Zdravilno moč naravnih izvirov so cenili že Rimljani. Blagodejne učinke in zdravilno moč so uživali na desnem bregu Savinje, kjer pod hribom Stražnik (655 m), ki izvira iz razpok triasnih dolomitnih kamnin v Rimskih Toplicah, še danes izvirajo termalni vrelci. O tem pričajo spomeniki in žrtveni oltarji, posvečeni boginjam in nimfam v zahvalo za ozdravitev antičnih gostov, ki so jih našli med letoma 1769 in 1845

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Transport from Rimske Toplice to Zagreb
No transport selected
14 Sep
3. Zagreb
About the destination: Often forgotten by tourist seeking the sun and coastline, Zagreb is an alluring destination on its own. The capital city of Croatia is a perfect mixture of Western and Eastern Europe. The sober Austro-Hungarian buildings are surrounded by chic restaurants and boutiques that contrast with the seedy pubs and loud beer halls. Zagreb offers a wide choice for visitors. From trendy art galleries to more traditional music halls and museums, and outdoor leisure, a lot of outdoor leisure. Maksimir Park, in the east, is filled with joggers, bikers and strollers. In the southeast of the city, we find Jarun Lake, where locals and tourists alike go to swim or sail and to, afterwards, dance the night away in a lakeside disco. Just a ride away on the shine new trams, we find Mt Medvednica that offers hiking, skiing and great views over the city. Either you are looking for a city break or a break from your lazy beach holidays, Zagreb won’t disappoint visitors in the slightest.
More info
14 Sep
Transport from Zagreb to Oslo
Ryanair Ryanair - FR8793
17:20 - Zagreb, Zagreb (ZAG)
19:55 - Sandefjord, Sandefjord-Torp (TRF) Alternative airport
2h 35m 0 KG Nonstop
Transport:  FR8793
Cabin Class: Economy
price per person From
751 €
Based on 2 adults
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This idea includes
Destinations 3
Transports 2
Accommodations 1
Cars 1
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